Monday, October 6, 2008

ICT= Life

“Most recent statistics cite 1,463,632,361 Internet users worldwide, of which approximately 22 million were in Canada”. This stat should sound very familiar to those in Dr. Lipton’s Media class. Knowing that Canada’s population is somewhere in the mid 30 millions, I think that stat is a very impressive one. It shows me how much the internet has conquered in its relatively short life span. Living in a world without the internet, is one I cannot see myself living in. Yes, that may sound extreme, but it’s a life that I have accustomed to, and very used to. Everyone probably hears stories from their parents how they had to dig all their information out of big fat books, while we (and by we I refer to my generation) are so privileged to have such a tool to help us with everything. When I stop and think as to how much I actually use the internet, I really am amazed. Everything from checking the weather, to reading a whole novel, can now be found on the internet. It’s changed my life in the way that all of my essential school related necessities can now be easily accessed with a simple click. Anything at all that comes to mind; I can simply search on the internet and satisfy my boredom. I can communicate to friends through instant messaging I cannot see everyday, as well as feed my Facebook addiction through the wonderful internet. The significance of ICTs or otherwise known as “Information and Communication Technologies” is to communicate information to an audience. According to Wikipedia, ICTs do this through any medium to record information, or broadcast information. In other words, anything from television, radio, the internet, magazines, newspapers, and anything else that is able to communicate information is considered an ICT. The future only holds space for more of these technologies… our job is to use them.

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